Sunday School

The Sunday School at Kilbride has been running for many years and has over 100 children in attendence. The main goal of the Sunday School is to teach the children about Jesus and His love for them. This is done through a variety of activities; Bible study, craft, and games. As well as this, there are several projects undertaken by the Sunday School in partnership with charities such as Mission Africa, Christian Aid and so on. The children also provide shoeboxes for the Blythswood yearly Shoebox Appeal.

The children are split into rooms depending on their age group:

  • Pre-School & P1 – Holestone Room
  • P2 to P4 – Main Hall
  • P5 to P7 – Minor Hall

Within each room, the children are split into classes with their own specific Sunday School teacher.

Throughout the year, there are several special church services taken by the children:

  • Christmas Service: The children help to celebrate the Christmas story.
  • Family Services: There are four of these throughout the year; two between Septermber and Christmas, and two between Christmas and June. There is no Sunday School on these Sundays.
  • Children’s Day Service: This is an opportunity for the children to share what they have been learning about during the year in a special service held in June.

There are tea and coffee facilites provided in the foyer of the church hall for those parents wishing to stay during Sunday School.

See also:


Bible Class


Boys Brigade


Children’s Church & Créche


Christian Endeavour


Girls Brigade